Thursday 18 August 2011

Collective Disagreement

We do this all the time. 
    (Haruka: That's why we make a good team :D)

Greetings, salutations, blah -insert pleasantry about the loveliness of your hair- blah,

Let's get down to business,

           We bring you: 113miles, a collaborative blog by two friends going to two different universities in two different cities.

*insert cheers*


         Bonjour, hello, aloha!
         I've always wanted to say all of them together. :D
         113miles is a place for Soph and me to write about our unique university experiences. It's going to exciting! Adventurous! And for myself, probably somewhat dangerous. (I'm extremely accident prone. =___= )
         I don't know what else to say. Here you go Soph.

         While Nanabun's packing for her trip tomorrow, I'll take over. So this little blog is an embodiment of the three and a half year friendship between us-from grade 9 to now-and will hopefully lessen that 113 miles of distance between.
         So, the question is, where exactly are we going to be for the next few years? Haruka's heading off to University of Ottawa and I'll be flying to McGill. God knows I'm going to miss her and her yogurt masks too much.
         We'll be posting about our everydays lives, not just for readers, but also for each other. I do really hope this is going to be a long term thing and not a short of-the-moment whim. So here's to the university experience, FROSH, but (cross my fingers) not the freshman fifteen.

Some final thoughts;

      Soph/ Haruka's just dyed her hair and she smells of a most disagreeable ammonia. And so does the bathroom ):

     Haruka: Your little speech earlier makes me feel like a procrastinator. Now I feel like I should add on some more szhings. >.< My hair looks pretty good so far though! Although it feels like straw. =__=

-insert some more pleasantries about the weather and your fabulous shirt-

Mad love,
Nanabun and Sophikins